December 23, 2003

Maniac Twitch in Eye

So I am wondering when the twitch in my eye will go away. Its been pretty fucked for a couple days now... Christmas is coming... feel like shit and am not sure why... one of the largest marketing firms on the web wanted to call and talk to me... but never did... Ironically a guy I am helping is in the hospital getting eye surgery right now... I am loosing what sanity I have left... I can see my monitor and the world in at 80 Hz.

From what I gather the twiching eye is most likely due to my excessive computer viewing coupled with my current mental state. Many of the top people listing well for terms related to eye twitching or like terms are spamming. I saw a google aided deep search and a refresh with the two pages I actually looked at. Needless to say I am going to sleep disguisted with both the world and myself tonight.

[update: found this great eye twitching resource. it explains it all!]

Posted at December 23, 2003 11:50 PM

I had eye twitching for 1 1/2 years. I was going crazy. It got so bad, there were days my eye would even start to close. I just doubled by calcium (1000 mg), added 99 mg of Potassium and added a one a day vitamin. Within 24 hours, my eye twitching was gone. It has now been 9 days without any twitching whatsoever.

A few days ago I asked a friend who is an opthamalogist about this and he confirmed that this twitching can be caused by lack of electrylites. He said both the calcium and the potassium would help that.

Good luck!

ya i live in a fukin homeless box u fuk and i have this kuin eye twitch and its fukin pissin me off man plz help me cuz immma goin crazy now i wanna banana and im fukin chop off my fukin eye and hopefullt it'll go away....but 4 now ill jus wait until someone helps me cuz im goin crazy right now and if u dont help me imma eat a fukin banana cuz i heard it helps this eye thing man and ya i dunno wat to do about it.....its my left eye and its weird cuz i sleep late at like 5am in tha morning and i usally go to sleep ay like 5am in tha 5am in tha morning ya sum how i gotta eat and take a shyt in my bed and i live wif my mom....and i dunno wat to do cuz fuk im fukin fuked like holy fuk like fuk guy...fuk off shyt fuk.....pce tha pce tha fuk out guys.... A.K.A--->Mr.Toilet bowl cleaner

that was one of the more random posts I have ever read?

I as well am going nots with this left eye. Has anyone seen a Doctor? Whats the solution or medication? And what is the cause?

Twitching in the left can be caused by a lack of silicon in the body. Foods that have silicon inculde Calimyrna figs, Lettuce, Strawberries, Mustard greens, White onions, Parsnips, Olives, Asparagus, Dandelion greens, Cabbage, Cucumbers, Radishes and Alfalfa. Now when was the last time you ate any of those foods? I don't really eat them either.
To make it easier for you.... and me...
A supplement which you can buy over the counter at some grocery stores and all health food stores which should carry it, that is also high in silicon is called Horsetail Grass (Silica). It is an herb. Nature's Way offers a 100 capsule bottle for about 8 or 9 dollares. I recommed at least two a day.
Also, as another person who posted pointed out, increase your Calicum to at least 1000mg a day and take Potassium (which bananas do have in them... but you would need to eat a pile of them.) - 99mg of Potassium.
And note that Calicum should be taken along with Magnesium, 2:1 ratio. Example: Calicum 1000mg and Magnesium 500mg.
And Silicon has also be know to help prevent the growth of tummors.
Maybe we should try eating the foods that the earth makes for us rather that eating the foods that man has made for man to get rich.
If you have concerns about anything I have suggested please get a copy of Prescription for Nutritional Healing book by James F. Balch, MD.
You can get an older version of this book on eBay for sometimes a little a 5 bucks and it offer TONS of great advice. A newer verion is about 30 bucks.


my right eye twitches like crazy anh i heard thats someone is talking bad about me. Every time it twithches someone always seems to talk about me. Some say that it is stress and loss of stress. I dont know witch one it is. IT IS DRIVING ME CRAZY HELP ME

STOP DRINKING Caffine drinks. Simple

i have a rather large rash near my vagina, i was wondering if the white scabs that have been forming there can be picked, or do they need to be left alone. They are also pouring puss, please help me, because it started to spread to my husbands penis and sac area.

How old are you Kelly?

I know this is a thread about twitching but does anyone suffer from IRREGULAR BLINKING? basically im so paranoid that my eyes will twitch or roll that i hesitate to blink and this ironically causes them to twitch. any response would be can mail me at

You guys are all HILARIOUS! Yes I learned in Anatomy that eye twitches are either due to a lack of calcium or overconsumption of it. Both causing the twitch. Happy New Year!

Patricia Meisels on January 10, 2006 11:48 PM

my left eye is twitching and i'm scared to take supplements for fear of overdosing

My eye is twitching as well, upon reading this informative thread I have decided to do a few things:

First off, ask my girlfriend if she has a rash/scabs on her unit.

Secondly, ah crap I forgot, I got to call my girlfriend first...fuck my eyelid!

sometimes my eye's twitch when I am tired, sometimes when it's real bad both my eyes close and when they open it's been like eight hours gone by and I don't have any memorys of what has happened in between, this thing has got to stop! I'm trying my best to prevent this from happening, but it seems the more I try the worse it gets now it has started to happen every day mostly at night when I am watching TV. I think I will try the Banana theory, I'm going to go and buy a bunch asap.

pull the other one on March 11, 2006 9:32 AM

You people are ALL fucking NUTS!

Fuckin right mann

A fucking scumbag blog spammer keeps hitting this post, so I am closing comments on it.


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